Cube Host - 您云解决方案中的生产力与稳定性
- Windows
- Linux
VPS W1 S25
- vCPU: 1 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 25 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W4 S40
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 40 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W8 S80
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 80 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W12 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 12 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W16 S160
- vCPU: 10 CORE
- RAM: 16 GB
- NVMe: 160 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W32 S240
- vCPU: 16 CORE
- RAM: 32 GB
- NVMe: 240 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C1 S20
- vCPU: 2 CORE
- RAM: 1 GB
- NVMe: 20 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C4 S60
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 60 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C6 S100
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 6 GB
- NVMe: 100 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C8 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS 依記憶體
依作業系統分類的 VPS
具有 CMS 的 VPS
具有單一控制面板的 VPS
依功能分類的 VPS
所有运行在 KVM 上的虚拟机都使用 Linux 操作系统固有的高安全性特性。这些特性甚至包括增强安全 Linux(SELinux)。这使开发人员能够确保所有 KVM VPS 虚拟环境都将遵循严格的安全边界,以确保数据控制和保密性。
通过 KVM VPS托管 在多个操作系统上扩展您的计算基础设施,而无需投资新硬件。我们提供高性能和安全的环境,以便顺利管理您高需求的应用程序。选择我们 IT 公司 Cube-Host 的 VPS KVM托管,您将获得特定的优势,包括多种安装选项,因为它支持不同的硬件配置。
您将不再遇到进程延迟的问题,因为廉价的 KVM VPS 进行虚拟化时尽可能接近服务器硬件。
请放心,您的所有数据将得到可靠保护,因为配备了增强安全 Linux 功能。
您的公司无需支付额外的许可证费用来托管虚拟机。KVM VPS 服务器 Linux 是开源且免费的。
我们提供方便且功能丰富的廉价 KVM VPS 托管,以便您的服务器管理员能够有效地分配存储、网络、额外处理器或内存。
我们的 KVM VPS 托管是该操作系统的一个特殊组件,您可以将其安装在物理计算机上以创建虚拟机。
通过可靠的 KVM VPS,您可以在物理计算机上创建不同的 CPU 周期、内存或带宽。如需更多信息,请与我们联系。
Linux KVM 虚拟化
Cube-Host 是您项目实施的可靠托管服务提供商。选择我们的 Linux KVM,您将获得许多优势,包括高安全性、数据保护、全天候不间断运行和专业支持。
为了方便我们的客户,我们提供几种适合您项目特定需求和要求的 Linux KVM 套餐计划。
可以,我们的专家随时乐意提供帮助。如果您是我们的 KVM Linux 客户,请随时与我们的团队联系。