- Windows
- Linux
VPS W1 S25
- vCPU: 1 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 25 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W4 S40
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 40 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W8 S80
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 80 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W12 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 12 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W16 S160
- vCPU: 10 CORE
- RAM: 16 GB
- NVMe: 160 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W32 S240
- vCPU: 16 CORE
- RAM: 32 GB
- NVMe: 240 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C1 S20
- vCPU: 2 CORE
- RAM: 1 GB
- NVMe: 20 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C4 S60
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 60 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C6 S100
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 6 GB
- NVMe: 100 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C8 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS 依記憶體
依作業系統分類的 VPS
具有 CMS 的 VPS
具有單一控制面板的 VPS
依功能分類的 VPS
德国的 VPS 费用报销
我们提供德国专用虚拟VPS服务器的退款服务。 该公司的网站上有许多虚拟专用服务器。您可以根据自己的需求选择最合适的一款。选择时要考虑类似的因素。 这些因素包括硬盘的类型和大小、数据备份选项以及处理器类型。还包括RAM、带宽、速度和可靠性。
在德国租用VPS的优势可以归纳为几个要点。 最重要的一点是价格实惠。在所有欧洲国家中,德国提供类似服务的价格最低。此外,还要注意可靠性。法尔肯施泰因的服务器运行稳定,提供持续的互联网接入。
德国法尔肯施泰因的VPS退款为您的项目选择了强大的性能和可靠性。VPS(虚拟专用服务器)是一个很好的网页托管解决方案,提供灵活性和可靠性。 然而,如果您在德国寻找一个可靠的VPS服务器,法尔肯施泰因就是您的理想选择。
便宜的VPS Linux是一个开源操作系统,提供多种定制和优化服务器的方法。Linux以其稳定、安全和免费的特点而闻名。此外,还有许多Linux发行版,如Ubuntu、CentOS和Debian,适合不同的需求和技能水平。
购买Windows VPS。这是微软的操作系统,易于使用,兼容许多应用程序。对于熟悉Windows生态系统的用户来说,它是理想的选择。他们更喜欢在熟悉的环境中工作。Windows VPS支持远程桌面(RDP)等功能,还允许访问ASP.NET和其他开发平台。
在德国法尔肯施泰因租用VPS提供了众多好处。首先,德国以其可靠的互联网连接和高水平的数据安全性而闻名。 其次,法尔肯施泰因是一个战略性的位置。它提供低延迟和快速访问您的服务器的优势。