- Windows
- Linux
VPS W1 S25
- vCPU: 1 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 25 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W4 S40
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 40 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W8 S80
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 80 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W12 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 12 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W16 S160
- vCPU: 10 CORE
- RAM: 16 GB
- NVMe: 160 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W32 S240
- vCPU: 16 CORE
- RAM: 32 GB
- NVMe: 240 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C1 S20
- vCPU: 2 CORE
- RAM: 1 GB
- NVMe: 20 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C2 S30
- vCPU: 3 CORE
- RAM: 2 GB
- NVMe: 30 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C4 S60
- vCPU: 4 CORE
- RAM: 4 GB
- NVMe: 60 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C6 S100
- vCPU: 6 CORE
- RAM: 6 GB
- NVMe: 100 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS C8 S120
- vCPU: 8 CORE
- RAM: 8 GB
- NVMe: 120 GB
- IPv4: 1
- Port: 1 Gbps
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS 依記憶體
依作業系統分類的 VPS
具有 CMS 的 VPS
具有單一控制面板的 VPS
依功能分類的 VPS
芬兰的数据中心被认为是欧洲国家中最好的之一。芬兰集中着最大的IT中心,因此在这里租用便宜的VPS/VDS服务器需求很大。可靠的数据传输通道确保了任何项目、网站和在线商店的稳定性。 发达的IT基础设施使得在芬兰租用VPS/VDS成为网站托管的优秀选择。
芬兰虚拟VPS服务器是专用服务器的替代品,通常被互联网项目的拥有者选择,当常规托管的资源不足时。 例如,您可能会注意到页面加载时间增加或网站经常无法访问。这些问题的主要原因在于主机无法承受负载,需要更高性能的系统。VDS/VPS 服务器的能力和灵活性足以满足任何复杂任务的实施需求。
一些客户由于项目安全要求而租用服务器。在芬兰租用 VPS 服务器可确保没有人能够通过其他人的服务器访问您的数据。
为什么选择在芬兰赫尔辛基租用 VPS
租用芬兰低成本 VPS 服务器为网站所有者提供了一系列优势:
- 安全性:芬兰是一个数据保护水平较高的国家。这保证了托管在 VPS 上的信息的安全。
- 可靠性:芬兰的数据中心确保 VPS 的不间断运行。这是通过使用冗余设备和发电系统实现的。
- 丰富的套餐选择:芬兰的托管公司提供多种廉价套餐,让您可以根据项目的需求选择最佳选项。
- 价格实惠:芬兰的VPS托管费用与其他欧洲国家的VPS托管费用相当。
我们公司在芬兰租用最好的服务器。这项服务尤其受到网络项目、网站和IT组织所有者的欢迎。 通过租用VDS/VPS服务器,您可以享受到虚拟服务器的服务,同时在购买和维护网络设备上节省大量开支。
要开始使用VDS/VPS,您需要确定一个 计划或使用配置器选择所需的资源。除了基本设置,您还可以在订单中添加额外的服务。