VPS Windows KVM 虚拟化
VPS W1 S25
- 1个vCPU内核
2GB 内存
NVMe: 25 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W2 S30
- 3个vCPU内核
2GB 内存
NVMe: 30 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W4 S40
- 4个vCPU内核
4GB 内存
NVMe: 40 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W8 S80
- 6个vCPU内核
8GB 内存
NVMe: 80 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W12 S120
- 8个vCPU内核
12GB 内存
NVMe: 120 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W16 S160
- 10个vCPU内核
16GB 内存
NVMe: 160 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
VPS W32 S240
- 16个vCPU内核
32GB 内存
NVMe: 240 GB
1 个 IPv4
1 Gbps端口
full real-time monitoring
Zabbix Monitoring of Your VPS with Email Notifications
mailbox Zimbra
1GB personal mailbox with Spam Filter, Antivirus, Calendar and Powerful Webmail
share storage Nextcloud
1 GB of cloud storage with client programs for Wndows Linux MacOS and web access
Hosting Vps Windows - 位置
来自安全托管提供商的 VPS Windows
您是否意识到是时候使用 VPS Windows 了?这是一个正确的决定,因为 VPS Windows 为任何任务提供强大的支持。VPS Windows 是一种托管服务,提供所谓的虚拟专用服务器(VPS)。
Windows VPS 在基于 Microsoft 操作系统的虚拟空间中运行,包括 VPS Windows 10。该工具允许您配置操作系统,并选择将在服务器上运行的程序和服务。
如今,Windows 托管正在积极发展,定期推出各种程序来测试服务器配置。同时,也非常重视为常客提供各种忠诚度计划。我们的提供商为您提供以实惠价格设置 VPS Windows 服务器的服务。
为什么您需要 Windows VPS
- 托管任何 Web 服务
- 可用于外汇交易
- 使用远程工作站(RDP VPS)
- 也就是说,服务器上的所有数据将可以从任何连接到网络的 PC 上访问。
- 托管远程数据库服务器
VPS Windows 的优点
在 VPS Windows 服务器上,拥有者可以获得管理员权限,包括添加和删除新用户、编辑用户权限、调整系统设置和更改防火墙规则,以及安装和使用所需的软件。
- 托管任何 Web 服务
- 便宜的 Windows VPS —— 我们为客户提供合理的价格。
- 广泛的服务器位置选择。
- 全天候供应系统资源。
- VNC 访问。
- 服务器既方便又可靠,具有高安全性。
增加磁盘空间和 RAM 的唯一方式是升级到新套餐。您可以提交请求,我们的专家将帮助您迁移到新套餐。